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Green Hills Software and Esterel Technologies Partner to Create the First Complete Model-Driven Solution for Safety-Critical Embedded Software Development

First Integration of a DO-178B Level A and IEC 61508 SIL3 Compliant Modeling, Code Generation, Verified Compilers and RTOS Solution

SANTA BARBARA, CA and ELANCOURT, France—February 14, 2006—Green Hills Software, Inc., the leader in real-time operating systems (RTOS) and device software optimization (DSO), and Esterel Technologies, a leading worldwide supplier of model-based design, validation and code generation tools for safety-critical embedded software applications, announced today a strategic partnership resulting in the first complete Model-Driven Solution (MDD) for safety-critical embedded software code generation and product development.

”By partnering with Esterel Technologies, Green Hills Software is the first company to provide a highly integrated Model-Driven Solution for safety-critical embedded systems developers, based on the widely established DO-178B, IEC 61508, and SCADE standards,“ said Dan O’Dowd, founder and chief executive officer of Green Hills Software. “SCADE provides the most comprehensive Model-Driven Development solution available for the safety-critical embedded markets today. The combination of SCADE with our MULTI IDE development solution, royalty-free operating systems and target middleware gives our customers a comprehensive and safe solution for optimizing the time-to-market, time-to-certification and total reliability of safety-critical embedded systems.”

Under the agreement, Esterel Technologies’ SCADE Qualified Code Generator (KCG) will produce code that will be automatically integrated with Green Hills Software’s INTEGRITY-178B Level A and IEC 61508 certified INTEGRITY RTOS’s. Furthermore, Green Hills Software’s industry leading compilers will be pre-qualified through SCADE’s Compiler Verification Kit (CVK) ensuring that any code produced by SCADE and then compiled by Green Hills Software’s compilers will go successfully to certification in a cost-effective, timely manner. SCADE KCG and CVK will be integrated with Green Hills Software’s technology-leading INTEGRITY RTOS and C/C++ / Ada compilers to enable a seamless workflow between modeling and implementation. The two companies will also collaborate on future integrated features and capabilities, including the integration of the SCADE built-in simulator with MULTI.

This integration will create the first DO-178B Level A and IEC 61508 SIL3-compliant end-to-end solution, spanning software modeling, code generation, compilation, and RTOS integration. Green Hills Software’s and Esterel Technologies’ products are also integrated with leading UML/SysML modeling tools such as I-Logix’ RHAPSODY to support legacy and non-critical code modeling and reverse engineering.

Traditionally, software designers and developers have used separate environments for different development aspects: one for application software modeling, often paper-based, and another for implementation to target. In contrast, the integrated solution developed by Green Hills Software and Esterel Technologies accelerates time-to-market and time-to-certification by generating a DO-178B and IEC 61508-compliant target code in C, directly from the SCADE model.

”Green Hills Software offers the industry’s most complete and best technology RTOS and IDE solutions,” said Eric Bantegnie, president and chief executive officer of Esterel Technologies. “When these qualities are combined with our market-leading SCADE safety-critical application development environment, our two companies, each the fastest growing and most successful in our respective sectors, provide a truly synergistic solution. This not only benefits our mutual customers, but also reduces the overall cost of development and certifications of DO-178B up to Level A and IEC 61508 SIL3 embedded systems.”

Integrated Solution Addresses Critical Development Phases

The combination of SCADE, INTEGRITY and Green Hills Software compilers provides an integrated solution that addresses critical phases of DO-178B and IEC 61508 embedded systems development

  • Behavioral design and validation—using SCADE Editor, Simulator and Model Test Coverage
  • Code Generation using SCADE’s Qualified Code Generator, KCG—removing the need for low-level testing other than the qualification of the User context and Compiler
  • Compiling with Green Hills Software compilers—pre-qualified for SCADE generated code compilation thanks to SCADE’s Compiler Verification Kit
  • Integration with Green Hills Software’s market-leading INTEGRITY RTOS—the standard for certified and certifiable RTOS’s in the DO-178B Level A and IEC 61508 markets
  • Debugging and optimization—The multi-source-level debugger is fully synchronized with the SCADE models


SCADE KCG and CVK integration with INTEGRITY and Green Hills Software compilers will be available in July 2006.

About Green Hills Software

Founded in 1982, Green Hills Software, Inc. is the technology leader in real-time operating systems (RTOS) and device software optimization (DSO) for 32- and 64-bit embedded systems. Our royalty-free INTEGRITY® RTOS, velOSity™ microkernel, compilers, MULTI® and AdaMULTI™ integrated development environments and TimeMachine™ debugger offer a complete development solution that addresses both deeply embedded and high-reliability applications. Green Hills Software is headquartered in Santa Barbara, CA, with European headquarters in the United Kingdom. Visit Green Hills Software on the web at

About Esterel Technologies

Esterel Technologies’ tools create unambiguous specifications that produce correct-by-construction, automated implementation in software and/or hardware. Today, SCADE Suite™ is the standard for the creation of RTCA DO-178B, EUROCAE ED-12B, and IEC 61508 safety-critical embedded software in the civilian avionics and transportation industries; SCADE Drive™ is the emerging standard for the creation of safety-critical embedded software in the automotive industry. Esterel Studio™ allows electronics hardware designers to create golden specification models that can be automatically implemented in RTL or C.

Esterel Technologies is a privately held company with headquarters in Mountain View, California, USA, and Elancourt, France, with direct sales offices in Germany, the United Kingdom, and China. For additional information, visit the Esterel Technologies website at

Esterel Technologies and SCADE are trademarks or registered trademarks of Esterel Technologies S.A. Green Hills, the Green Hills logo, MULTI, INTEGRITY, velOSity, AdaMULTI and TimeMachine, are trademarks or registered trademarks of Green Hills Software, Inc. in the U.S. and/or internationally. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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Media Contacts:
Green Hills Software, Inc.
Barbel French
Tel: 805-965-6044

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