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CPU Tech Secure Processor Solutions Built with INTEGRITY

Integrated Secure Hardware and Operating System for Leading System Security Solutions

Santa Barbara, CA and Pleasanton, CA—March 3, 2010 — Green Hills Software, Inc., the largest independent vendor of embedded software solutions, and CPU Tech, a leader in trusted and secure processing solutions, today announced the availability of the Green Hills INTEGRITY® operating system for the Acalis® secure processor, the EB872 Acalis Evaluation Board, and the Acalis SentryTM security server. The Acalis CPU872 secure processor addresses the urgent need to protect critical program information (CPI) as required by DoD Instruction 5200.39.

"A key factor in Green Hills Software’s secure solutions approach is to facilitate the tight integration of the INTEGRITY operating system with innovative hardware security platforms like CPU Tech’s Acalis secure processors," says David Kleidermacher, chief technology officer at Green Hills Software. "Together, these technologies provide the foundation for designers to create totally reliable, absolutely secure end products."

The key components of the combined Green Hills Software and CPU Tech solution are:

  • The INTEGRITY real-time operating system (RTOS)
  • The CPU Tech Acalis secure processor, including secure boot, firewall, and encryption facilities
  • The EB872 Acalis evaluation board from CPU Tech
  • INTEGRITY Board Support Package (BSP) for CPU Tech’s EB872 evaluation board; this software includes security support code available only to CPU Tech customers
  • Green Hills trusted optimizing compilers for the CPU Tech processor

CPU Tech and Green Hills Software have collaborated to combine a secure processor that provides the strongest protection for software and intellectual property with the most secure real-time operating system available. The security features of INTEGRITY and the Acalis secure boot, hardware firewalls, and hardware encrypt/decrypt offer optimum security. In addition to the INTEGRITY Board Support Package, the Green Hills MULTI® integrated development environment (IDE) has been optimized for the EB872 evaluation board. This solution improves developer productivity, reduces development costs, and increases performance with optimized C, C++, and EC++ compilers.

"By combining the sophisticated hardware security and trusted design of the Acalis secure processor with the only real-time operating system technology to have achieved a Common Criteria EAL6+ security certification, CPU Tech customers are now able to realize the highest levels of information assurance in their embedded systems," says Alan Smith, chief technology officer at CPU Tech. "Furthermore, integrated support for the MULTI IDE provides a productive and powerful platform for end customer product development."


Green Hills Software’s INTEGRITY for the EB872 Acalis Evaluation Board and the Acalis Software Development Kit are available today. For additional details, please contact or


INTEGRITY is the leading market-share, high reliability real-time operating system. Without the burden of compatibility with 1980s vintage products, INTEGRITY was designed from the ground up for unprecedented levels of reliability, availability, and security for a broad range of applications, including mobile devices, avionics, industrial control, automotive electronics, networking gear, and medical devices. Unlike other memory protected operating systems, INTEGRITY does not sacrifice real-time performance for security and protection. It is first and foremost a true hard real-time operating system. INTEGRITY is the first and only software technology to achieve a Common Criteria EAL6+ security certification. INTEGRITY represents the most advanced RTOS technology on the market today.

About Acalis

The Acalis CPU872 secure processor is the first commercially available, trusted embedded processor to address the urgent need to protect critical program information as required by DoD Instruction 5200.39. The CPU872 has been designed with trusted tools and fabricated at the IBM Trusted Foundry through the Trusted Access Program (TAPO) to minimize risk of malicious hardware insertion.

About CPU Technology, Inc.

CPU Tech produces the Acalis Family of Secure Processors. Designed with a secure methodology and fabricated at the IBM Trusted Foundry, the Acalis CPU872 offers the strongest protection available for software and systems. Threats to software and systems begin with reverse engineering, which enables cloning, malicious insertion and development of countermeasures. Acalis protects not only on-chip software but entire systems against tampering or reverse engineering. This advanced system-on-chip technology enables the development of secure and 100% software-compatible electronics modernization technology solving obsolescence problems while reducing size, weight and power (SWAP) for commercial and defense systems. CPU Tech is a privately held company founded in 1989 with headquarters in Pleasanton, CA.

About Green Hills Software

Founded in 1982, Green Hills Software, Inc. is the largest independent vendor of embedded development solutions. In 2008, the Green Hills INTEGRITY-178B RTOS was the first and only operating system to be certified by the NSA to EAL6+ High Robustness, the highest level of security ever achieved for any software product. Our open architecture integrated development solutions address deeply embedded, absolute security and high-reliability applications for the military/avionics, medical, industrial, automotive, networking, consumer and other markets that demand industry-certified solutions. Green Hills Software is headquartered in Santa Barbara, CA, with European headquarters in the United Kingdom. Visit Green Hills Software at

Acalis® is a registered trademark of CPU Technology, Inc. and Acalis Sentry™ is a trademark of CPU Technology, Inc.

Green Hills, the Green Hills logo, MULTI, and INTEGRITY are trademarks or registered trademarks of Green Hills Software, Inc. in the U.S. and/or internationally. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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Green Hills Software, Inc.
Barbel French
Tel: 805-965-6044

CPU Tech
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Tel: 925-224-9920

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