News & Press
Green Hills Software to Showcase Its Innovative Security and Safety-Critical Solutions at embedded world
embedded world, Nuremberg, Germany, February 24 - 26, 2015
SANTA BARBARA, CA — February 17, 2015 — Green Hills Software, the largest independent software vendor for the Internet of Things (IoT), will present technical sessions in the embedded world conference in Nuremberg, Germany, and demonstrate optimized solutions on our stand (Hall 4, Stand 325). We will also present in our in-stand theatre to help embedded designers build and deploy software with maximum performance, absolute security, in the fastest time-to-market. Green Hills will present and demonstrate its leading support for today's latest processors.
Theatre Presentation
Securing the Internet of Things
Much of the technological innovation in IoT is centered on the protocols, standards, and applications needed to enable new capabilities. Security, however, is largely an afterthought. This talk will discuss the security and privacy challenges introduced by IoT and how developers in the IoT world can use security to gain competitive advantage in their designs and their businesses.
Conference Sessions
The Greg Davis Classes:
Tuesday, 24 February, Class 05:
- Writing Embedded C/C++ Code, Part 1, 09:30 - 11:00
C and C++ are powerful, yet compact programming languages, but they permit programming practices that are not well suited for secure systems. MISRA C and C++ are collections of rules that define a subset of the languages that are less error-prone and more suitable for secure and safety-critical systems. This class will provide an introduction to MISRA C/C++, when it should be used, and when it should not. - Writing Embedded C/C++ Code, Part 2, 11:30 - 12:00
C and C++ are powerful, yet compact programming languages, but they permit programming practices that are not well suited for secure systems. MISRA C and C++ are collections of rules that define a subset of the languages that are less error-prone and more suitable for secure and safety-critical systems. This class will provide an introduction to MISRA C/C++, when it should be used, and when it should not. - Tips and Tricks for Debugging - Greg Davis, 12:00 - 12:30
While universities teach much about programming, embedded developers spend the majority of their time debugging code which has already been written, often times by others. When watching a fellow co-worker attack a bug, I often gain insight into new ways to approach the task of debugging. What this says to me is that much remains to be discovered in how to go about debugging. This talk goes over a number of top techniques in how to get to the bottom of problems using a modern debugger and readily available tools. Design techniques to make debugging easier are also discussed. - Designing Your System for High Reliability, 14:30 - 15:30
While 85% of embedded designs use C and C++, these languages are notorious for their inherent lack of safety. Many of the most common sources of errors are unlikely to show up during testing and may manifest themselves later as costly product glitches. This talk focuses on the tools and techniques that can be used to augment any software design paradigm. Techniques include coding conventions, automatic run-time error checking, manual compile-time and run-time assertions, static analysis, and the most common mistakes to avoid. - Porting C Code to C++ Code, 16:00 - 16:30
Before any C++ feature may be used, the code must first be made to compile as valid C++ code. Unfortunately, most C code will not compile as C++ code; numerous changes are usually required to achieve a code base that can be compiled either as C code or C++ code. This presentation discusses the primary causes that will prevent C code from being compiled as C++ code. - Coding Standards for Secure Devices, 16:30 - 17:30
As the Internet of Things grows, resource-constrained devices are becoming increasingly complicated. The majority of these devices are programmed in C or C++, but these languages make it too easy for developers to make mistakes. Coding standards constrain the languages using rules that require certain conventions or that prohibit dangerous constructs. This presentation surveys a number of the most commonly used coding standards. Examples of the rules in the different standards are shown, giving attendees a sense of what the different standards are like.
An Army of Malware Infested Toasters: Thinking about Risk and the Internet of Things
Thomas Cantrell —Wednesday, 25 February, 15:30 - 16:00, Session 09/II
Beyond the world of security-conscious embedded engineers, outsiders often laugh at our security warnings about the Internet of Things. And yet an outsider's questions like: 'why would hackers attack my toaster' have some validity. How do we think through the risks with Internet-enabling increasing numbers of consumer devices? This talk presents a perspective synthesized from the embedded community, the security community, and the business community: that the most economically viable attacks for an adversary are those attacks done at scale. And when hacking and malware attacks are at scale, the gain for the adversary may actually be far less than the underlying costs incurred by the manufacturer of the vulnerable device. And thus the prudent manufacturer should be incentivized to design a device hardened against such attacks. While it is likely true that hackers may have little interest in exploiting your personal toaster, an army of malware-infected toasters is an interesting target for future exploits and cybercrime.
Demo Kiosks
- Securing Devices in the IoT
Running on a Freescale i.MX6-based point-of-sale reference platform, this demonstration shows how the certified security policies and isolation architecture of the INTEGRITY® RTOS defeat RAM scraper malware recently used in credit card breaches at several major US retailers. - Surround View and Pedestrian Detection Safety Solution
For OEMs and Tier 1s looking to add surround view as a key safety and convenience feature, the INTEGRITY RTOS combined with the R-Car V2H processor from Renesas deliver impressive computational performance and image recognition capabilities without compromising system safety. - Secure Remote Management of Critical IoT Devices
Web connectivity, secure communications, cryptographic toolkit and machine-to-machine (M2M) management are featured in this demonstration running the security-certified INTEGRITY RTOS and Embedded Cryptographic Toolkit combined with the hardware-accelerated cryptography of the Freescale C29x Crypto Coprocessor. - Advanced Debugging for Linux and INTEGRITY
To show how developers in the embedded Linux world can dramatically improve debugging productivity, this demo features comprehensive, source-level debugging from boot loaders to applications running on the NVIDIA Jetson Tegra K1 development board. For developers of safety-critical systems, pre-qualified tools can save significant time throughout the development process. Green Hills Software also demonstrates the MULTI® IEC 61508:2010 (SIL 4), EN 50128:2011 (SWSIL 4) and ISO 26262 (ASIL D) pre-qualified tools. - High Performance Embedded Graphics
Widespread support for the INTEGRITY RTOS from the industry's leading graphics suppliers gives designers a rich selection of choices when creating next-generation automotive, medical, industrial and avionics systems on the industry's leading embedded processors. The combination of a high performance OpenGL stack with the safe, secure and real-time INTEGRITY separation kernel allows creation of robust GUI-based devices.
To register for the embedded world conference, exhibition or request a meeting, please visit
About Green Hills Software
Founded in 1982, Green Hills Software is the largest independent software vendor for the Internet of Things (IoT). In 2008, the Green Hills INTEGRITY-178 RTOS was the first and only operating system to be certified by NIAP (National Information Assurance Partnership comprised of NSA & NIST) to EAL 6+, High Robustness, the highest level of security ever achieved for any software product. Our open architecture integrated development solutions address deeply embedded, absolute security and high-reliability applications for the military/avionics, medical, industrial, automotive, networking, consumer and other markets that demand industry-certified solutions. Green Hills Software is headquartered in Santa Barbara, CA, with European headquarters in the United Kingdom. Visit Green Hills Software at
Green Hills, the Green Hills logo, MULTI and INTEGRITY are trademarks or registered trademarks of Green Hills Software in the U.S. and/or internationally. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
North American Sales Contact:
Green Hills Software
30 West Sola Street,
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
Tel: 805-965-6044
Fax: 805-965-6343
International Sales Contact:
Green Hills Software Ltd
Fleming Business Centre
Leigh Road
Eastleigh SO50 9PD
Tel: +44 (0)2380 649660
Fax: +44 (0)2380 649661
Media Contact:
Green Hills Software
Barbel French
Tel: 805-965-6044