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Boeing Selects INTEGRITY® RTOS for B-1B Avionics Upgrade

Santa Barbara, CA. December 13, 2002 -- Green Hills Software today announced that its INTEGRITY real-time operating system (RTOS) has been selected by the Boeing Company for use in Boeing's B-1B Conventional Mission Upgrade Program (CMUP). The CMUP will add a family of 1760 smart weapons to the B-1B arsenal, and provide the flexibility needed to up-load multiple types of weapons for each mission and launch the appropriate weapon against the selected target. INTEGRITY will be used to enhance the B-1B's onboard avionics flight system so that it can take advantage of CMUP's smart weapons and multiple-target capabilities.

Boeing B-1B

"Boeing is using Green Hills Software's INTEGRITY real-time operating system and AdaMULTI development environment for the avionics, navigation, and weapons systems in the B-1B upgrade program," said Steven Goldman, B-1B avionics manager for Boeing.

"Boeing's selection of INTEGRITY is a terrific honor for Green Hills Software, and we are extremely proud to be contributing to this program," said John Carbone, vice president, marketing at Green Hills Software. Carbone continued, "INTEGRITY has become the RTOS of choice for demanding mission and safety-critical aircraft systems such as those required for the Boeing B-1B CMUP."

To satisfy CMUP requirements, Boeing is upgrading the B-1B's avionics flight system, replacing its six existing computers with four new ones that add significantly more computing power and memory. The avionics flight system provides both offensive and defensive capability, including weapons delivery, radar, terrain following, and navigation. The computing platform for the new system utilizes a tandem of four computers, each containing a pair of PowerPC processor cards. INTEGRITY provides real-time multitasking, I/O and memory management services for the avionics flight system and hosts the application software that runs on the PowerPC processors.

The developmental flight testing for this new computer system aboard the B-1 has been completed and the Air Force is in the process of performing Operational Testing and Evaluation. That is to be completed in late 2002. Additionally, the Air Force has contracted for the procurement of the retrofit kits necessary to upgrade the B-1 fleet.

INTEGRITY is a fast, deterministic, RTOS designed for applications that require high reliability, availability, security and a cost-effective business model. Utilizing the hardware memory protection facilities of the processor's MMU, INTEGRITY builds a firewall between the kernel and user tasks that prevents errant or malicious tasks from corrupting user data, the kernel, interprocess communications, device drivers and other user tasks. INTEGRITY also enhances reliability and determinism by running with interrupts continuously enabled and guaranteeing access to the CPU and memory for critical tasks. Other RTOS solutions do not offer this protection or security, leaving systems vulnerable to failure from errant application, viruses, and hackers.

INTEGRITY is seamlessly integrated with Green Hills Software's AdaMULTI IDE. Together with the Green Hills family of optimizing C, C++, Ada95, and EC++ compilers, MULTI automates all aspects of embedded software development for PowerPC processors, including editing, source-level debugging, program building, run-time error checking, version control, and code/performance optimization. MULTI also features ISIM, an INTEGRITY simulator that enables programmers to develop and test their code on a PC or workstation without the need for target hardware.

About Green Hills Software, Inc.

Founded in 1982, Green Hills Software Inc. is the technology leader for real-time operating systems and software development tools for 32- and 64-bit embedded systems. Green Hills Software's royalty-free INTEGRITY® real-time operating system, fully integrated with its market leading compilers and MULTI® Integrated Development Environment, provides a total development and run-time solution that addresses both deeply embedded and maximum reliability applications.

Green Hills Software is headquartered in Santa Barbara, CA, with European headquarters in the United Kingdom. For more information on Green Hills Software products, call 805-965-6044, email

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