Product Type
Software testing
IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor (an add on for IBM Rational Rhapsody)
Product Summary
Model-based testing of Rhapsody models and software
Product Description
The Rational Rhapsody TestConductor add on (TC) solution is a SysML/UML-compliant model-based testing environment for real-time embedded systems and software.
By analyzing a model, TC can help build the test context automatically, and test cases can be described as sequence diagrams. TC automatically converts them into executable test procedures where the "inputs" to the system under test are driven from the test case scenario and so are the resulting messages that need to be observed. Hence, the verification steps to create test architectures, to specify executable test cases, and to execute the test cases is largely automated. Furthermore, since model-based testing enables to continuously test against requirements, this solution can aid in reducing specification time and costs while helping to improve system quality.
Processors Supported
Same as IBM Rational Rhapsody
Supported Green Hills Software Products
BTC Embedded Systems AG
Gerhard-Stalling-Straße 19
26135 Oldenburg
Tel.: +49 441 - 969738 - 20
Fax: -64, General office: -0
E-Mail: udo.brockmeyer@btc-es.de
URL: http://www.btc-es.de