Since 1997, a dedicated group at Green Hills Software has focused on safety and security software solutions for platform and application development. This Safety & Security development center of excellence is located in Palm Harbor, Florida, and the staff has significant experience in the commercial and military avionics industry, providing customers with dedicated experts that understand industry perspectives.

Complete Certification Products and Services
Our certification approach is to provide proven software system solutions with completed security certificates and safety compliance approvals—not just claims of being “certifiable.” Green Hills Software’s unique solutions combine customer-specific certification support with common software capabilities that are reused across a multitude of customers. Green Hills Software supports a customer’s entire certification effort, including hardware/software product compatibility, custom hardware device driver development, complete product testing on customer’s hardware, appropriate life cycle data generation and delivery, and audit support. This frees customers to focus on their core competencies, lowering the schedule, cost, and certification risks associated with using internal or multi-supplier resources.
In-House Expertise
All certification activities—including independent verification— are performed in-house. This single-supplier approach simplifies customer oversight and reduces the time and number of contacts required to resolve integration issues. Our dedicated in-house verification team ensures customers that the DO-178B/C and ED-12B/C independence objectives are satisfied and also provides direct access to the experts needed for robust and complete test development. The Green Hills staff includes an FAA authorized Designated Engineering Representative (DER) to provide assistance during the certification process and ensure customer-directed compliance activities and audits are both understood and completed.
RTOS life-cycle data is generated and verification activities are performed for each specific certification program and its associated target hardware platform(s). Each certification effort takes full advantage of reuse, traceability, and pedigree from appropriate prior certifications. Green Hills provides Board Support Package (BSP) and device driver development and certification services, freeing customers from RTOS and low-level hardware interface issues.
For projects that must be free from foreign influence, all Palm Harbor certification activities—including development and verification—are completed by US citizens.

Proven Pedigree
The INTEGRITY-178 RTOS has earned its pedigree through a unique combination of powerful capabilities:
- A single partitioning-supporting operating system that satisfies both DO-178B/C Level A safety assurance requirements and NSA High Robustness security functional and assurance requirements
- The first commercial partition-enforcing RTOS approved as complying to DO-178B Level A objectives (2002)
- The first and only RTOS to obtain SKPP/EAL 6+ security certification (2008)
- Proven in real-world customer applications since 1997 with over 80 DO-178B/C Level A/EAL 6+ unique customer certification packages delivered across more than 30 different microprocessors
- Highly scrutinized RTOS source code—perhaps the most scrutinized to date
- The first RTOS certified conformant to the FACE™ 3.0 technical standard
- The first and only RTOS to be part of a “Raise the Bar” cross-domain solution (CDS) system security certification
- The first and only RTOS to be part of a multicore certification to DO-178C and CAST-32A