Flight Controller for NASA’s Orion Crew Exploration Vehicle
When Lockheed Martin needed the ultimate in safety and reliability for the flight computers on the Orion Crew Exploration Vehicle, they turned to the INTEGRITY®-178 high-assurance RTOS from Green Hills Software.
Orion is NASA's new exploration-class spaceship that will take astronauts into deep space, including the Moon and Mars. No other spacecraft in development has the technology needed for the extremes of deep space, such as life support, navigation, communications, radiation shielding, and the world's largest heat shield that will protect astronauts and help return them safely home. Lockheed Martin is the prime contractor for NASA and built the crew module. Lockheed is now in the production phase, and they delivered the first Orion spacecraft to NASA in January 2021 for the Artemis I mission to be launched later in the year.
"During all phases of the Orion spacecraft's flight we depend on the flight computers to monitor and control the spacecraft and ensure mission success," said Brian Cuthbert, Lockheed Martin Orion software director. "This reliability is fully complemented by the Green Hills real-time operating system that resides in the flight computer modules. Green Hills INTEGRITY-178 provides our flight software engineers with the flexibility required to host and integrate the necessary applications, and the product's FAA pedigree provides the safety confidence required for Orion's future manned flights."

Orion Crrew Exploration Vehicle
(Image courtesy Lockheed Martin)

Orion Crrew Exploration Vehicle
(Image courtesy Lockheed Martin)
Additional Resources
- Press Release (20-Apr-2015):
Green Hills Software Congratulates Lockheed Martin on the Successful First Flight of Orion Spacecraft - Lockheed Martin Press Release 14-Jan-2021
Lockheed Martin-Built Orion Spacecraft Is Ready For Its Moon Mission - Lockheed Martin web page:
Lockheed Martin Hands Over Completed Orion to NASA for Artemis I Launch