Boost Unit Sales

Unit Sales = Market Share × Total Available Market × Product Life

  • Product Life is a product's period of profitable volume production
  • Total Available Market is the sum of the annual unit sales of all competing products
  • Market Share is the fraction of Total Available Market that its annual unit sales represent

Unit Sales is the product of three components: Market Share, Total Available Market, and Product Life. An increase in any component increases Unit Sales by the same percentage (a 5% increase in Market Share increases Unit Sales by 5%). Increases in components add together (i.e. a 5% increase in every component increases Unit Sales by 15%).

Boost Your Market Share

We provide a comprehensive range of products and services that boost the market share of your electronic product.

Market share is highly sensitive to time to market. If you get your product to market before the competition, it is easy to rapidly expand your market share. When your competition gets their product into volume production, market shares will stabilize. Final market share is usually determined by the order in which competitors get their products into volume production. We maximize your market share by slashing your time to market.

A higher performance product will be better received in the market and command a higher market share. We boost your market share by significantly boosting the performance of your electronic product.

A more capable product with greater functionality will be better received in the market and attain a higher market share. We boost your market share by boosting the capability and functionality of your electronic products.

A more reliable product is better received in the market and attains a higher market share. Your market share increases rapidly when satisfied customers just call up and buy more of your product and then tell their friends to do so as well. An unreliable product gets few repeat sales and its poor reputation must be overcome with expensive and time consuming marketing efforts. We boost your market share by maximizing the reliability of your electronic product.

Lower manufacturing and sales costs allow you to reduce the price of your electronic product. A lower priced product will attain a higher market share. We boost your market share by reducing your manufacturing costs and your sales costs.

Check out how we can boost your market share by:

Slashing your time to market
Reducing your manufacturing cost
Reducing your sales cost
Boosting your product's performance
Boosting your product's capability and functionality
Boosting your product's reliability

Boost Your Total Available Market

We provide a comprehensive range of products and services that boost the total available market for your electronic product.

A higher performance product can be moved into more markets than a lower performance product. We can increase the performance of most electronic products by more than 20%. We boost your total available market by boosting the performance of your electronic product.

A more capable and functional product can be moved into a larger total market than a less capable product. We boost your total available market by boosting the capability and functionality of your electronic product.

A more reliable product can be moved into additional markets that demand a higher degree of reliability, such as safety critical systems, military, aerospace, medical, industrial robots, and automotive markets. We boost your total available market by boosting the reliability of your electronic product.

A lower priced product with the same reliability, performance, and capability may be expanded into more competitive higher volume markets that demand lower prices. Lower manufacturing and sales costs allow you to reduce the price of your electronic product. We boost your total available market by reducing your manufacturing costs and your sales cost.

Check out how we can boost your total available market by:

Boosting your product's performance
Boosting your product's capability and functionality
Boosting your product's reliability
Reducing your manufacturing cost
Reducing your sales cost

Extend Your Product Life

We provide a comprehensive range of products and services that extend the life of your electronic product.

If you get your product to market months earlier, its lifetime in the market is extended by those additional months. For example, if your time to market is 18 months and your product has a lifetime of three years in the market, a 5% reduction in time to market, results in a 2.5% increase in Product Life:

Time to market 18 months 17.1 months 5.0% decrease
Product Life 36 months 36.9 months 2.5% increase

We extend your product's life by slashing your time to market.

Many electronic products come to the end of their lives because their performance can't keep up with the competition. A product with 20% higher performance will hold up longer in the market before it is overtaken by competing products. We extend the life of your electronic product by boosting its performance.

Many electronic products come to the end of their lives because other products with greater capability and functionality enter the market. A more capable product will hold up longer in the market before it is overtaken by competing products. We extend the life of your electronic product by boosting its capability.

Many electronic products come to the end of their lives because their manufacturing and sales costs exceed the price of newly introduced competing products with comparable capability, performance, and reliability, making further production unprofitable. With lower manufacturing and sales costs you can reduce the price of your electronic product to meet newly emerging competition and keep your product in the market longer. We extend the life of your electronic product by reducing your manufacturing costs and your sales costs.

Check out how we extend your product life by:

Slashing your time to market
Boosting your product's performance
Boosting your product's capability and functionality
Reducing your manufacturing cost
Reducing your sales cost

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