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Green Hills Software Is Founding Member of Technology United Alliance

Consortium of Best-of-breed Companies to Offer Turnkey Imaging Solutions

LAS VEGAS, NV — July 19, 2011 — The Imaging Channel Managed Print Summit and World Expo — Green Hills Software, the largest independent vendor of embedded software solutions, today announced that it has co-founded Technology United, an alliance dedicated to advancing the state of the art in enterprise print/imaging technology, including IT security, automation, and supply chain management.

Other founding members of the alliance include Intel, MWA Intelligence, Genius Bytes, NewField IT, RIM, US Fleet Tracking, Spline Network, ESP, Compass Sales Solutions, LMI and Barrister. Technology United's best-of-breed solutions are intended to leverage the power of technology to offer a superior level of efficiency and quality.

"Technology United's mission is to pull the best partners together with the best technology to deliver the best user experience," said Mike Stramaglio, president and CEO of MWA Intelligence, founding member of the Technology United alliance. "The solutions created will allow your business to enjoy efficiencies and cost savings that can really make a difference to your bottom line."

The imaging channel around the world is in need of a seamless and fully integrated enterprise capable of dramatic improvement in supply chain operation. This new alliance is designed to recognize and deliver the best-of-breed solutions for supply chain automation; intelligent procurement of machines, parts and hardware; implement a world-class level of security; leading-edge field service mobility; scheduling optimization; service call avoidance; and a long list of advanced document management tools. Technology United is a powerful force dedicated to delivering what the worldwide market is demanding for growth in the MPS and e-commerce marketplaces.

"Modern imaging systems are increasingly sophisticated, controlled by powerful computers and connected to the IT infrastructure, yet the security impact within the enterprise has been largely ignored," said Gordon Jones, vice president and general manager of Green Hills Software's INTEGRITY® Secure Virtualization business unit. "With its long history of leadership in embedded systems security and as the only organization to have achieved a Common Criteria EAL6+ / High Robustness software security certification, Green Hills Software is pleased to be a part of this Alliance and its mission to promulgate high assurance development processes and technology to the imaging world."

Green Hills Software's security expertise and technology solutions will be instrumental in achieving the Alliance's mission for improved security and manageability of next-generation intelligent devices. The INTEGRITY Multivisor™ transforms print and imaging equipment into trusted platforms, protecting against modern security threats. This solution will reduce the TCO (total-cost-of-ownership) for enterprise networks through reduced hardware and maintenance cost and increased availability and reliability.

About Green Hills Software
Founded in 1982, Green Hills Software is the largest independent vendor of embedded development solutions. In 2008, the Green Hills INTEGRITY-178B RTOS was the first and only operating system to be certified by NIAP (National Information Assurance Partnership comprised of NSA & NIST) to EAL6+, High Robustness, the highest level of security ever achieved for any software product. Our open architecture integrated development solutions address deeply embedded, absolute security and high-reliability applications for the military/avionics, medical, industrial, automotive, networking, consumer and other markets that demand industry-certified solutions. Green Hills Software is headquartered in Santa Barbara, CA, with European headquarters in the United Kingdom. Visit Green Hills Software at

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