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INTEGRITY Security Services (ISS) Delivers DriveOhio V2X Certificates for the Entire State of Ohio via the ISS Certificate Management Service (CMS)
ISS Certificate Management Service (ISS CMS) to Create the World’s First Production-grade SCMS Based on IEEE 1609.2 Standards
Santa Barbara, CA — November 20, 2019 —INTEGRITY Security Services (ISS) today announces the delivery of the world’s first production-grade hosted Security Credential Management System that is based on IEEE 1609.2 standards. This CMS System is tied to the ISS Root CA that was created under the WebTrust for Certification Authorities auditing framework, the same framework used to assure the secure and safe operations of the underlying security of Internet e-commerce activity. This Root CA together with the ISS CMS, collectively known as the Security Credential Management System (SCMS), will serve the needs of DriveOhio’s Connected Vehicle and Traffic Management Systems.
The DriveOhio CMS will provide the security underpinning needed to deploy V2X technology along roadways and in vehicles throughout the state. “Confidence in the security of connected vehicles is key to their successful introduction onto our roads. The creation of a world-class V2X EcoSystem in Ohio, led by DriveOhio, creates vital protection for vehicle communications now and into the future. DriveOhio is excited to be working with local municipalities across the state of Ohio and ISS to help pave the way for secure connected transport on our roads,” says Luke Stedke, Managing Director, DriveOhio ( and
“DriveOhio has now taken a leadership role in the deployment of secure V2X technologies and ISS looks forward to supporting Ohio’s rollout of this life saving technology. Ohio’s experiences and learnings can help inform the use of secure V2X systems across the US and around the world, as well as help guide global technical and operational standards. This will help ensure that the needs of Ohio are covered in IEEE 1609.2 standards that are followed by automobile manufacturers,” says David Sequino, Co-Founder and President of INTEGRITY Security Services.
ISS CMS provides a highly scalable system for issuing security credentials to C-ITS components. These include On-Board Units (OBUs) and Roadside Units (RSUs), as well as tools used by traffic management authorities. “ISS is pleased to work with Ohio to assure that its V2X system provides its citizens with a secure, reliable and scalable V2X ecosystem while providing the necessary privacy protections,” says Bill Lattin, Chief Security Officer of INTEGRITY Security Services.
The ISS CMS is the de facto standard and global leader serving more Connected Vehicle projects than any other SCMS in the world. The ISS CMS is the only SCMS scalable to meet Global needs for production. The ISS CMS can scale to 150B certificates annually making it the largest Public Key Infrastructure ever conceived in the world.
ISS CMS has now been utilized to create two national-level credential management systems. In 2017, ISS delivered the Root CA and Certificate Management System which actively serve North American connected vehicle projects. This Root CA has attained and maintained the WebTrust for Certification Authorities Trust Services Seal. And now in 2019, ISS has delivered Queensland’s C-ITS Security Credential Management System (AU CCMS). In addition to these production-grade systems, ISS provides the SCMS/CCMS infrastructures used throughout the world in various pilots, trials, and research projects.
About INTEGRITY Security Services
INTEGRITY Security Services (ISS) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Green Hills Software, established to provide best practice embedded security products and infrastructure solutions for protecting smart devices from cyber security attacks. End-to-end automotive solutions range from ECU cryptographic platforms to large-scale public key management systems.
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INTEGRITY Security Services
7585 Irvine Center Drive, Suite 250
Irvine, CA 92618
Tel: 800-765-4733
Media Contact:
INTEGRITY Security Services
Barbel French
Tel: 888-951-4477