Third Party Partners

Product Type
- Message oriented middleware
Product Summary
OpenSplice DDS is a fully featured Object Management Group Data Distribution Service implementation targeting enterprise platforms and embedded devices.
Product Description
Vortex OpenSplice is the most advanced, complete and widely used implementation of the Object Management Group Data Distribution Service (OMG DDS) standard.
Vortex OpenSplice enables data to be shared and integrated across a wide spectrum of operating systems and platforms. It provides a full implementation of both the OMG DDS latest rev1.4 (DCPS profiles) and the OMG-DDSI / RTPS v2.3 interoperable wire-protocol standards. It is targeted for use with server-class (desktops, racks etc.) platforms as well as more specialized real-time embedded environments and operating systems (e.g. single board computer running VxWorks).
Vortex Opensplice is fully interoperable with Cyclone DDS, Vortex Link and and Vortex Insight .
Supported Green Hills Products
Supported Processor Architectures
- Freescale PowerPC
- x86
Company Headquarters
The Edge
5th Avenue
Team Valley
Gateshead, Tyne and Wear
NE11 0XA, United Kingdom