Total Solutions Partners

Objective Interface Systems, Inc. (OIS) is the leading global provider of middleware solutions for inter-process communication for disparate systems. OIS offers ultra-low latency, real-time connectivity software development tools for use in complex and demanding environments, such as aerospace, defense, automotive, telecommunications, financial, medical, robotics, industrial automation, and consumer electronics. The ORBexpress product family is the most widely deployed communications framework for distributed and heterogeneous systems where failure is not an option. ORBexpress is a high performance, secure real-time implementation of the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) standard. The ORBexpress product provides a common communication platform that is available on a variety of processors, operating systems, compilers, and in C++, Ada, Java and VHDL for FPGA implementations. For more information and product evaluations, visit

Product Family

ORBexpress®, a family of CORBA ORBs, is based on the Real-time CORBA standard that provides high-performance communications infrastructures to embedded and real-time developers, enabling real-time and embedded devices in heterogeneous environments to communicate seamlessly. Independently benchmarked many times as the smallest and fastest ORB on the market, the small, efficient memory footprint of ORBexpress adds virtually no additional latency to communications. Available for C++, Ada and Java.

PCSexpress™ is high-assurance secure communications middleware that is integral to MILS (Multiple Independent Levels of Security), a foundational software architecture created to meet the gravest security threats to mission-critical systems. PCSexpress allows engineers to quickly design and build fast, flexible, highly-secure distributed systems.

Objective Interface Systems and Green Hills Software
The integrated solution of ORBexpress from Objective Interface Systems and the INTEGRITY Real-time Operating System from Green Hills Software provides embedded developers with a high-performance CORBA solution and the industry’s most reliable and secure RTOS technology for complex real-time and embedded applications.

Objective Interface Systems
13873 Park Center Road Suite 360
Herndon, VA 20171-3247
Toll Free: 1.800.800.OIS7 (6477)
Main Phone: 1.703.295.6500
Fax: 1.703.295.6501

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